Friday, January 18, 2008

I remember!

I remember the thing I was going to tell you all! (If you are confused, refer to my last post...)

On Wednesday night we watched the movie "Luther" as an optional component of our Christian Thought and Culture course. At the end of the night, our librarian showed up with a 1595 copy of a Catholic refutation of Luther's works. Not being so quick, he commented on Luther's works, and then actually included large chapters of Luther's works. So a book that was supposed to be a refutation, actually contained primarily Luther's works.

We were also allowed to handle the book if we put on gloves, which was neat. And the librarian fully agreed with me (in opposition to several heathens present) that writing in/underlining books is worse than sacrilege.


Peter Malik said...


Bethany said...

I'm so glad you agree. :)

Anonymous said...

Stackhouse underlines - and uses every bit of white space if it helps. ;p

Bethany said...
